Initialise Dockerfile
- Make a new Dockerfile for the new project. Based on Minedojo and MineRL environment, remake new environment and Intergrate existing dependencies(avoid conflict dependencies)
- This Dockerfile installs a more extensive set of Xfce desktop environment components, including additional plugins and tools, much convinent and smaller than the traditional one.
- installs noVNC and X11VNC for web-based remote desktop access.\
- installs Miniconda with Python 3.9 and sets up the environment accordingly.
- creates a user named “user” with a specified password (${PASSWD}) and adds it to various groups, including “sudo.” It also configures passwordless sudo for this user.
- includes an EXPOSE 8080 directive to indicate that the container will listen on port 8080.
- installs the “MineDojo” Python package using pip3.
- Still use MineRl v0.4.4, the latest version v1.0.2 includes VPT, which is useful for this new project but it has installation errors(many users have the same problem, see https://github.com/minerllabs/minerl/issues), but official developers from MineRL said Minedojo has similar environment with mineRL v0.4.4, maybe it’s a good choice.
About this Post
This post is written by Rui Xu, licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0.